Hemp & Extrusion


Key Ingredients for Hemp Food Extrusion

  1. Hemp Protein:

    • Extracted from hemp seeds and rich in essential amino acids.
    • Often used in protein bars, snacks, and meat substitutes.
    • This comes in many strengths. Hemp Acres offers 45%, 70% and 90%
  2. Hemp Fiber:

    • Sifted from hemp protein.
    • High in dietary fiber and nutrients.
    • Hemp hulls contain most of the fiber. 
    • Hulls can be ground for an 80% insoluble fiber. 
  3. Hemp Seed Oil:

    • Extracted from hemp seeds and used as a fat source or flavor enhancer.
    • Often incorporated for nutritional benefits and functional properties.
  4. Hemp Seed Meal:

    • Byproduct of hemp oil extraction, containing protein, fiber, and micronutrients.
    • Hemp seed meal is 30% protein.

Applications in Food Extrusion

  1. Texturized Plant-Based Proteins (Meat Substitutes):

    • Hemp protein is blended with other plant proteins (e.g., pea or soy) and extruded to create high-protein, meat-like textures.
  2. Snacks and Cereals:

    • Hemp flour or protein is used in puffed snacks, crackers, or breakfast cereals.
    • Extrusion provides crispy textures and enhances shelf stability.
  3. Pasta and Noodles:

    • Hemp flour is incorporated into extruded pasta and noodles, offering a gluten-free and nutrient-rich option.
  4. High-Protein Bars and Energy Bites:

    • Hemp-derived protein powders are combined with other ingredients in the extrusion process to form dense, nutritious bars.
  5. Pet Foods:

    • Hemp is used in extruded pet treats and feeds for its nutritional benefits.
    • Dog & cat treats, chicken feed, chicken treats and more. 

Benefits of Hemp in Food Extrusion

  1. Nutritional Value:

    • Hemp is rich in omega fatty acids, protein, and fiber, providing added health benefits to extruded foods.
  2. Sustainability:

    • Hemp is a sustainable crop that grows quickly and requires fewer resources, making it eco-friendly.
    • Hemp absorbs CO2 during growth, contributing to carbon sequestration.
  3. Versatility:

    • Hemp ingredients can be blended with various other plant-based proteins and flours to customize flavor, texture, and nutrition.

Extrusion Process for Hemp Foods

  1. Blending:

    • Hemp protein or flour is mixed with other ingredients like starches, proteins, or flavors.
  2. Preconditioning:

    • The mix is hydrated and heated to prepare for extrusion.
  3. Extrusion:

    • The mixture is fed through an extruder with controlled temperature and pressure, shaping and texturizing the final product. 

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