Baking with...
Baking with hemp is an excellent way to boost the nutritional value of your treats while adding a subtle nutty...
Hemp Soil Amendments
1. The hull of the hemp seed is a biodegradable source of nutrient and soil aeration at the same time. Its small size is similar to perlite while breaking down much faster. It is also a great replacement to soy hulls for mushroom growers. When broken down it has an NPK value of 2-.5-.3
2. Hemp hurd is another source of aeration, but comes in bigger sizes. It can also be used as a mulch for weed suppression. A single layer of hemp hurd can suppress weeds up to 12 months. It breaks down faster than wood adding organic matter to your soil. When broken down it has an NPK value of .4-0-1
3. Hemp fiber is a great addition to soil for water retention. It can be shredded and mixed into the soil or added to the top of soil to keep soil from drying out. Hemp fiber can also be used to create seed mats and can be used for erosion control. When hemp fiber breaks down it has an NPK value of .4-0-1
4. Hemp cake/ proteins can be added into your soil as a natural plant based fertilizer. H30 when broken down has an NPK value of 4-3-1 while H20 when broken down has an NPK value of 4-2-1. These are great options to inoculate your soil with to achieve plant food throughout the season without having to feed your plants on a weekly basis.